so basically it was life as usual untill a countdown at the top of my view showed up that said "end of the world in 13 hrs" so using this time i cleared up all the issues i had and whent to a mountain right? then suddenly it was terrifying, the sun turned black and it was like it was rapidly approaching earth, it was getting hot i thought about going underground but no, i chose to accept my fate then later some voice came out of nowhere and whent on a long speech, how his face was on everything, and how there were many moons, and after that the view of the earth completely altered, it was permenantly darker, with the main light coming from the 4 moons it now had, later a friend made a poll on an online group asking if it was the 2nd coming of christ, the antichrist, or if we didnt know and i answered i dont know, if i had to describe how the world looked after imagine a permenent state of sunrise, but the sun isnt up yet, there is blue in the upper sky, its like, permenantly dim, and there were 4 moons, one moon looked like earth, the rest were like what youd probably think, it wasnt cold, no it was rather warm, there was luna, the moon we all knew and 3 others, one was larger than luna and looked something like earth, and the other 2 looked like other celestial moons, im pretty sure 1 was like just an asteroid and the other was just luna but smaller
This dream seems to be reflecting a sense of impending doom and uncertainty. The countdown to the end of the world symbolizes a deadline or limited time frame in your waking life to resolve issues and make decisions. The choice to accept your fate suggests a willingness to face challenges head-on and take responsibility for the consequences.
The sun turning black and rapidly approaching Earth represents a feeling of intense fear and danger. The consideration of going underground but ultimately choosing not to could indicate a reluctance or inability to hide or escape from difficult situations.
The voice that speaks about how its face was on everything and the presence of multiple moons suggest a heightened sense of supernatural or divine influence in the dream. The altered view of the Earth, with a permanently darker and dimmer atmosphere, represents a significant change or shift in your perception of the world.
The poll created by your friend about the second coming of Christ or the antichrist reflects a sense of spiritual or moral uncertainty and a need for clarity or guidance in your waking life. Your answer of "I don't know" suggests a lack of certainty or definitive understanding about the situation.
Overall, this dream may be highlighting your feelings of fear, uncertainty, and a need for direction or clarity during a challenging or uncertain time in your waking life. It could be a reflection of your subconscious processing these emotions and seeking answers or resolution.